Homage to Sir Derek Jacobi

An homage to the one and only Sir Derek Jacobi, Many Happy Returns!


“Actors, I don’t think, ever really grow up. I’m hoping that that rejuvenating process applies to me, too. It has so far. I’ve been very lucky” Derek Jacobi

Homage to Sir Derek Jacobi

Loved you in Claudius
Adored you in Octavius
Excellent performance in Cadfael
Utterly radiant in Halifax
And completely hilarious in Vicious

On this special day
An homage I’d like to pay
With wishes most sincere
To an actor utterly revered
Sir Derek Jacobi

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Absolutely Fabulous

Posted in the Friday series “Fabulous Friday”

An homage to the absolutely hilarious TV comedy; Absolutely Fabulous,
starring Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley


”Darling, if you want to talk bollocks and discover the meaning of life, you’re better off downing a bottle of whiskey. At least that way, you’re unconscious by the time you start to take yourself seriously.” Patsy

Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely fabulous laughs
Absolutely fabulous cast
Absolutely fabulous show
I watched it several times or more
So, I really should know!

From a fan’s point of view
Of us, there are quite a few!
And we all are
Utterly sensational
Positively radiant
Happily glorious
And Abso-freaking-lutely
Fabulous too

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Fabulous Friday



“I understand what’s it like to work all week and on Friday night just want to go and leave your brain at the door, buy some popcorn and be thrilled by something” Don Cheadle


Fabulous Friday

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Leaving the working week far behind
I really have no idea how I ever survived
Fabulous Friday knocking at the door
Awaiting to carry me to a different shore

A glittering sequin dress, a pair of high heels
This is as good as it gets and feels
Leave your sad face and the bad place
Awaited Fabulous Friday is finally here

Prancing, dancing
Singing, winning
There is no stopping us
Well, not at least until the bus
Has arrived to take us home

black-sequin-all-over-mini-dress-1    black shoes 2

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nike higheels 1  sparkly wine

silver barbie    rose-cream

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wine glasses    featured