Caturday; A Halloween’s Tale

In honour of Caturday, for all cats everywhere
In honour of Halloween


“When witches go riding and black cats are seen, The moon laughs and whispers, ’tis near halloween”


Caturday; A Halloween’s Tale
Arched-Back-Cat    cat_3_black

The cat hissed
Her tail totally frizzed
The witch loudly laughed
Stirring her brew with the wooden shaft

“Fear not, my furry kitten
It is not you who will be eaten
It is only the humans, who should be scared”
The witch said with an evil glare

For not many knew
Of the secret, reserved only for a few
The powers witches can share
For those really fair

So better be ware
Of all others take good care
A little something for the witches leave
Tonight, on all hallows eve

cat4    cat5

cat3    cat2

halloween_009_Vector_Clipart    black_cat_for_black_cat_by_jksketchy-d5lqbi8Halloween_cats_028