Bread and Circuses for the Masses // Happy New Year! 

“Another year spent, where I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing” Gun Roswell

Bread and Circuses for the Masses

Bread and Circuses
For any and all purposes
Lights and loud fireworks
Maybe with some other quirks?

No time to waste
It is after all the time to celebrate
So, let us all unite
Leave our differences aside

As the New Year
We all hail
Even if following
A different trail

The past and present
Already having been spent
And so towards the future
From now on end
We will all ascend

 Delphi, Greece in Monochrome

“The history of us, beckons this simple onlooker from the present” Gun Roswell

 Delphi, Greece in Monochrome

Enjoying the plethora of views
In the past reserved for those chosen few
As I am looking at the endless skies
Closing my eyes
The imagination of mine, taking flight
And then, stepping back in time
Finally landing in the beautiful Delphi
The time?
History, as per promised on the sign!

London in Monochrome

“The big city in a small package? Well, it’s still a rather large size place when you think about it…” Gun Roswell

London in Monochrome

Over the plethora rooftops
Into the hustle and bustle
Of the streets of London
In just a few skips and hops
A few moody old castles
And certainly a famous dungeon

Wanna see it all?

Hop on hop on and off bus!
Do it without much fuss
Follow all of them colourful lines
And you’ll be just fine
With eyes wide open in the light of the day
Seeing more than perhaps hoping, now worries or dismay!

In the dimmed light of the evening
You are certainly dreaming
Of how much more
The next day has in store!

Athens, Acropolis in Monochrome

“The mighty ruins on top of the hill, the climb up a hassle, certainly no time to chill, but well worth the trouble” Gun Roswell

Athens, Acropolis in Monochrome

Basking in the hot summer’s sun
Smack middle of Athens, is the one they call, Acropolis
A place of fun, at least for some
Certainly a place of knowledge

And so, climbing up the mountain
Looking, searching for the fountain
Of wisdom and mostly, of history
Certainly shrouded in mystery

As I am now walking in the footsteps
Of all those famorus ancient Greeks
But, better watch for my steps
On the rather narrow and crooked path

Once reaching the top
The effort there but one hop
The view of awe and beauty in front of me
And now I know it really was my duty
To get here and learn it all

Helsinki City Centre in Monochrome

“There is just something about this ole town o’mine that I do like” Gun Roswell

Helsinki City Centre in Monochrome

Welcome to the city of Helsinki!
Oh! Did you land here quite unexpectedly?
In any case, please, have a look around
It’s really a more pleasant place than it sounds
Nice, clean, safe and almost, poetic
Our small town ever of the idyllic
We’re way up in the North
But well while the travel long (or short) worth
Of making the trip
Even with a tall ship
So do, stay a while, take a look around
You may be surprised of what you here have found

A Christmas Tale: Can I have some Figgy Puddin’, please (i.e. The Classic Holiday Story)

“Sometimes, the classics are the best of tales, even in reposts. Happy holidays to One and All!” Gun Roswell

The year was 1845. I was about ten years of age and working as a stable girl. Our family lived and worked in Lord Hamilton’s manor house. It was Christmas time and as a gift for the servants, the Lord arranged a feast for the staff and their families.

Mommy had the children dressed in their Sunday best. My two brothers were complaining about the stiffness of the shirts. Starch was itchy and could cause rash, especially if one scratched the itch.
I had my favourite dress on and my younger sister was a bit jealous of the red and green colouring. She was wearing a plain blue coloured hand me down.

After all the fuzz and hassle with the wardrobe, the whole family was finally set to go to the main house and start with the Christmas dinner. Us servants would be dining in the large kitchen. Several long tables were brought in with extra seats as well. This wasn’t a large household. With around fifteen servants and their families, well not all had children and spouses, all in all around sixty people in total crammed around the tables. The two cooks had had their hands full with the preparations and naturally every one that could had chipped in.

But now it was time for celebration. Everyone was finally sitting down and getting quiet. After grace the noise level rose again. Food containers were passed around and everyone was filling their respective plates. After all, it wasn’t often we got to eat in this manner and variety.

After a while, everyone had cleared their plates and it was time for dessert. My favourite was the Figgy Pudding. If possible I opted for seconds. As I got my plate of the delicious substance before me, I licked my lips and dug into it with gusto. It did not take too long for the food to disappear from my plate.

My mom looked at me with a smirk. I looked back at her and passing my bowl I asked: “Is there any Figgy Puddin’ left?”

I was smiling widely, feeling exhilarated, when the bowl was passed back to me with an other helping.

When the final bits were eaten, it was time for the traditional sing along. The farmhand brought out his accordion and after the first few tunes, we all joined in. The evening was spent singing, chatting and finally picking up the tables. We all went back to our dwellings, thanking the Lord for the special meal.

Merry Pudding and God bless us everyone!

Mrs Claus to the rescue!

“Santa has it real easy. I plan and buy all the toys. He gets all the credit just for them deploying!” Mrs Claus

Mrs Claus to the rescue!

Mrs Claus
Without any kind of applause
Doing her bid
Without earning a single quid
Because all of this so called Yuletide
Without the bride
Of this, so called Santa
Would be just banter
No kind of jolly
Or celebration type folly
For neither me
Nor you

Without the one we never calling choose
Mrs Claus

The Eve of all Eves (Xmas style)

“The holiday season for some, those celebration begins, on this very Eve…” Gun Roswell

The Eve of all Eves (Xmas style)

‘Twas the night before Christmas
Nothing stirred,
No sound was heard
No human, nor animal, in sight
Even the mice had taken flight
The only ones about their business
Were the little green men from Mars
They had to be really careful
Their nature a little bit fearful
For the holidays not to turn into a farce
It was their turn to spread wholly
Presents and a great amounts of jolly

In a mighty hurry
No time for blurry
Their sleigh filled
Up to the hilt
As it took off
With a big bang
And a huge puff
As they all sang
The yuletide carols
As they rolled off

Children and grown-ups
Getting lots of stuff
As the little green men
Working collectively
Their derrières off in zen
As the Xmas spirit
Now duly delivered
All around the world
At least,
That is what we heard

The Winter and the Sunset

“The sunsets are very early in the afternoon, if you are lucky enough to catch one at all” Gun Roswell

The Winter and the Sunset

It seemed only a few hours ago, that the sun had started rising, in the low horizon, and then it was already almost gone. But luckily I was able the catch the last rays glowing in reds as the setting of the sun was a few hours only after the lunch break in the afternoon, thinking that’s was way too soon as I had hardly caught a glimpse of it all day, making the mood much like dismay, even if the lighter colours on the outside because of the snow were all still shining bright. But the sun is something to be adored no matter how many times it feels like a chore and talking about it sometimes like a bore, the same old story of the setting sun, the images captured pretty much all done. But I say it is not, and keep on the lookout for the bright globe of fire, whenever it emerges from its slumber, lighting up our dull grey days, and keep on snapping those pictures high and low, whenever the rise or set is on the flow, and a few words here and there in honour of the star so mighty, as without it there really is no surviving.

Winter art

“There is a lot of spontaneous art happening during the winter time, with the freezing and melting and ice and snow“ Gun Roswell

Winter art

The warmer temperatures came and went and the freezing process started again, raising havoc on the side walks of all things, people falling down and breaking their legs, arms and hips. But if there is one great thing about this back and forth of the weather in the winter time, is at least the quick freezing of the nature kind. As if by surprise, the sprouts were coming alive one moment due to the sun shine, and then, over night, with the plummeting temperatures, they were flash frozen in time to be persevered for at least, until the next time the gods controlling the climate would change their minds and bring on warmer breezes and doing the unfreezing of the gorgeous pieces of art work as provided by nature’s creatures. But until the warm front hits the lands once again, let’s just go out there and admire the splendours and free art, much of it quite smart, perhaps snap a few photos in the process and write some fancy poetry or whatever words on the paper, for the rest of the world to admire at least in bits and bytes.