It’s only complicated if you are stupid (3 day quote, day three)

Posted in 3 Day Quote Challenge
3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge, Part Two, Day Three

complicated definition

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated” Confucius

It’s only complicated if you are stupid

Today’s quote is something I ran across a team meeting at work a while back. The quote stuck to me and eventually I had to write a post about it too. It is very humorous as it is accurate and applies to so many aspects of life.

“It’s only complicated if you are stupid”


Related post:
It’s only complicated if you are stupid (Repost for 3 day quote)


Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world

Posted in 3 Day Quote Challenge
3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge, Part Two, Day Two


“Don’t shoot what it looks like, shoot what it feels like” David Alan Harvey

Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world

Photography is a hobby very near and dear to me. I have been shooting pics since I was ten, when I got my first pocket camera by Kodak. I used to make black and white photos in the school photo lab every week and was known as the school “pix snapper”, recording history whenever there was an event or another. Of course in those days, we used film for the cameras and working part time was the best option to get my film rolls. In today’s world, photography is more common of course and easy access to cameras even on mobile phones makes anyone a “photographer”.

After starting my blog this year and posting my photos on Instagram, Flickr and 500px I can totally relate to this quote, since even the English language can be difficult for some to understand, but a photograph seems to be a simple way to share one’s art.

“Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world” Bruno Barbey

photo quote 1

I am a writer and therefore automatically a suspicious character (3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge)

Posted in 3 Day Quote Challenge
3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge Part Two, Day One

Rules of the Challenge:

* Thank the blogger who nominated you
* Publish 3 quotes on 3 consecutive days on your blog. It can be your own, or from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires you.
* Nominate 3 more bloggers to carry on this endeavor.

Thank you Janice for including me in this challenge!

My nominees are: Glitchy Artist, Aishwarya and Azmofo 

alfred 2    Alfred Hitchcock Aims

“Puns are the highest form of literature” Alfred Hitchcock

I am a writer and therefore automatically a suspicious character

I have adopted a quote from a great director and certainly a personality in his own right, Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock.

Using the quote on my blog main page, I consider it to be the utmost homage to Hitchcock. And as life would have it, the quote fits my own personality like a glove 😉

“I’m a writer and, therefore, automatically a suspicious character.” Alfred Hitchcock


Good God Get a Grip Girl! (3 Day Quote Challenge, Day Three)

Posted in 3 Day Quote Challenge
3 Day Quote Challenge, Day Three

Thank you Lucile, for nominating me to this challenge!


“We are all born naked and the rest is drag” Rupaul Charles

3 Day Quote Challenge, Day Three

Today’s quote is in honour of one of my favourite Drag Queens, Miss Latrice Royale. I loved her in RuPaul’s Drag Race and she continues to amaze me with her warm heart and perfection in each of her performances.

“Good God Get a Grip Girl!” Latrice Royale


Related post:
Good God Get a Grip Girl!

Good God Get a Grip Girl!


“No tea, no shade honey!” RuPaul’s Drag Race

Good God Get a Grip Girl!

You may
You’re the
Cat’s meow
But let’s see
How you
Really feel
After I
Tell you
What you
Actually are

I’m not
Trying to
Come for you
Offend you
Upset you
Or even
Resent you
In any way

But this is
What it is
How it is
Really like

Don’t you
Give yourself
A really good
Look in
The mirror
And tell me
Can you
Get a grip
On it!


Live Long and Prosper, 3 Day Quote Challenge

Posted in 3 Day Quote Challenge
3 Day Quote Challenge, Day Two

Thank you Lucile, for nominating me to this challenge!


“It’s worked so far, but we are not off yet” Dr McCoy, Star Trek

Live Long and Prosper

Today’s quote is near and dear to every Trekker on this planet called Earth, as quoted by the belowed character Mr Spock on Star Trek. Often also used in social media, is the abbreviation, LLAP.

“Live long and prosper” Mr Spock, Star Trek

The Vulcan salute was devised by Leonard Nimoy, who portrayed the half-Vulcan character Mr. Spock on the original Star Trek television series. A 1968 New York Times interview described the salute or greeting gesture as a “double-fingered version of Churchill’s victory sign”. Nimoy said in that interview that he “decided that the Vulcans were a ‘hand-oriented’ people.



3 Day Quote Challenge, Day One

Posted in 3 Day Quote Challenge

Rules of the Challenge:

* Thank the blogger who nominated you
* Publish 3 quotes on 3 consecutive days on your blog. It can be your own, or from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires you.
* Nominate 3 more bloggers to carry on this endeavor

Thank you Lucile, for nominating me to this challenge, I hope I am up to it ;p 
My nominations are as follows: PorterGirl, Julia and Jessamayann

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“It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.” William Blake

3 Day Quote Challenge, Day One

My quote for today is one of my own variations. The quote was revamped in jest, but, also applies to real life in so many cases…

“I’ll stab you in the back, if you’ll stab mine”

Is that a knife on my back or are you just happy to see me?

Call it suspicion or plain paranoia
Still not turning my back on ya
Perhaps a lack of trust in a fellow human
But definitely not a friendship in blooming…

Check out the original post of the same:
I’ll stab you in the back, if you’ll stab mine
