Happy Birthday Dame Julie Andrews!

Posted in Fandom

Mary Poppins   gender-benders-julie-andrews_0

“Sometimes I’m so sweet even I can’t stand it.”
Julie Andrews

Happy Birthday Dame Julie Andrews!

The hills are alive
With the sound of Julie
Moving along with a jive
An ageless beauty

Victor Victoria and The Sound of Music
With Mary Poppins adds to pure magic
Theatre, movies, musicals and records
Hitting the set of perfect chords
A truly multitalented performer
With a knack of being a transformer

Damehood received
Fans very pleased
Our Dame Julie
We love you truly


Happy Birthday Judi Dench

Posted in Celebration/Fandom


“There are very few things that surprise me” Judi Dench

I’m not getting old, I am getting better

I am becoming a classic

Like the fine wine
For a special occasion to dine
Like the little red Corvette
You always wanted as a pet

I am
much better
more wiser
and even smarter
Than ever

Extraordinary woman
Exemplary human
Remarkable personality
Striking beauty

If you challenge me
I will compete with thee
Reach the finish line
Before you have the time
To Say
Wait for me!

Many things I have accomplished
Some of them without compliments
Many more still to come
Before I am done

What’s up next
You ask
Without being hexed
I would like the task
Ruler of the World naturally to follow
But not today,
Maybe tomorrow


Homage to Dame Judi Dench: I’m not getting old, I am getting better

Homage to Dame Judi Dench: I’m not getting old, I am getting better! 

Many Happy Returns Dame Judi!


“There are very few things that surprise me” Judi Dench

I’m not getting old, I am getting better

I am becoming a classic

Like the fine wine
For a special occasion to dine
Like the little red Corvette
You always wanted as a pet

I am
much better
more wiser
and even smarter
Than ever

Extraordinary woman
Exemplary human
Remarkable personality
Striking beauty

If you challenge me
I will compete with thee
Reach the finish line
Before you have the time
To Say
Wait for me!

Many things I have accomplished
Some of them without compliments
Many more still to come
Before I am done

What’s up next
You ask
Without being hexed
I would like the task
Ruler of the World naturally to follow
But not today,
Maybe tomorrow


Live Long and Prosper, 3 Day Quote Challenge

Posted in 3 Day Quote Challenge
3 Day Quote Challenge, Day Two

Thank you Lucile, for nominating me to this challenge!


“It’s worked so far, but we are not off yet” Dr McCoy, Star Trek

Live Long and Prosper

Today’s quote is near and dear to every Trekker on this planet called Earth, as quoted by the belowed character Mr Spock on Star Trek. Often also used in social media, is the abbreviation, LLAP.

“Live long and prosper” Mr Spock, Star Trek

The Vulcan salute was devised by Leonard Nimoy, who portrayed the half-Vulcan character Mr. Spock on the original Star Trek television series. A 1968 New York Times interview described the salute or greeting gesture as a “double-fingered version of Churchill’s victory sign”. Nimoy said in that interview that he “decided that the Vulcans were a ‘hand-oriented’ people.



Homage to Dame Julie Andrews, Happy 80th Birthday!

Homage to Dame Julia “Julie” Elizabeth Andrews, DBE: Happy Birthday!

Mary Poppins   gender-benders-julie-andrews_0

“Sometimes I’m so sweet even I can’t stand it.” Julie Andrews

Homage to Dame Julie Andrews, Happy 80th Birthday!

The hills are alive
With the sound of Julie
Moving along with a jive
An ageless beauty

Victor Victoria and The Sound of Music
With Mary Poppins adds to pure magic
Theatre, movies, musicals and records
Hitting the set of perfect chords
A truly multitalented performer
With a knack of being a transformer

Damehood received
Fans very pleased
Our Dame Julie
We love you truly

andrews   600full-julie-andrews


2006_JulieAndrews3   Julie ANDREWS, Mary Poppins

Julie Andrews   andrewsDM2303_468x706

tumblr_lmgdpvwE9h1qcc8sqo1_400   Julie_Andrews_in_May_2013

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JULIE-ANDREWS-1959-1-c27697   Maria-maria-von-trapp-julie-andrews-26878587-400-397

julieandrews   julie-andrews-julie-andrews-37032754-500-650

tumblr_mw95iov0SF1rz2baeo6_500   Julie-Andrews-001

I’m not getting old, I am getting better


“Old is always fifteen years from now” Bill Cosby

I’m not getting old, I am getting better

I am becoming a classic

Like the fine wine
For a special occasion to dine
Like the little red Corvette
You always wanted as a pet

I am
much better
more wiser
and even smarter
Than ever

Extraordinary woman
Exemplary human
Remarkable personality
Striking beauty

If you challenge me
I will compete with thee
Reach the finish line
Before you have the time
To Say
Wait for me!

Many things I have accomplished
Some of them without compliments
Many more still to come
Before I am done

What’s up next
You ask
Without being hexed
I would like the task
Ruler of the World naturally to follow
But not today,
Maybe tomorrow
