First Snow Fell

Posted in Daily Photo

“Oh Winter, thou art a heartless bitch!”

First Snow Fell

Snow fell
What the hell?
If you can’t beat it
Just admit it:
You are defeated!

Dig deep in the closet
For that ensamble snow set
And remember what you bet:
Not to another winter,
Will my foot inside set!

So now in my window
Watching the snow fall
Mind wandering to a climate warm
With only sunshine and no storm
As the snow fell more steadily
I was sighing quite heavily

But just remember
Those rainy dark days in September
Guess snow in October
Will lighten the mood and nature
To a state of less hature!?

Leaf Song for Daily Photo (one)

Posted in Daily Photo: Photography, Poetry, Rap-song and Humour

“Are ye the ghosts of fallen leaves, O flakes of snow,
For which, through naked trees, the winds A-mourning go?”
― John B. Tabb

Leaf Song for Daily Photo 


Leaves, leaves, leaves
Everywhere in heaps
It’s giving me the creeps
Sometimes even grieves
Just have to roll up my sleeves
Crank up my believes
And just blow them all away
Hopefully, before they’re here to stay
