Open the Stargate!

“That looks like a gateway to the past” Gun Roswell

The gateway on to the
Beach appeared, out of nowhere, in a
Flash of light, it was

Standing there, where nothing before
It existed. Now it is open wide
For anyone to enter, if you

Really dare, then take a
Leap and jump back in time into
The past of all time

Just remember, you may not
Get back, but that is a risk
Well worth taking, so stop

Your shaking and take the
Step, one small step for mankind and
Who knows what you’ll find


“The open gateway eternal to the past and future, may hold the answers you seek?” Gun Roswell


The gateway, eternal, opened at last
The one to travel through, to the future and even, to the past
Oddly, it wasn’t really visible until recently
Even if it was standing out there, in the open air, quite prominently
Maybe, it was just, that we did not want it to see
Because, the given and open option to flee
Which ever way, the deep dark mind could agree
And even scary, it also may have been seen
To completely delve into the very history
Or then, to find out what future dystopia |
Awaits, if one dares to take, just on tiny peek
Because nothing on either end of the spectrum
May truly be, what you always seek

The portal

“Step into the portal, open wide, and into, the adventure, of your life” Gun Roswell

The portal

When the portal opens, feel free, to step inside, and take a short ride, to the great unknown, and let your mind, be totally blown. Because once you are onboard, there is no single world out there, you cannot visit. And even if the trip seems most of the times quite dizzy, do not dare to stop and get off, but rather make it, to the very end, as the time in there spent, on this merry go round of a thing, you won’t have missed one precious minute, when the fare is finally over. It’s just like you had started and never even parted, your original destination, still, the accumulation, of experience and memory, is all saved, inside your head, for future reference, or when you will dream, in your bed. The portal, is now closing, but look around, maybe another one, a portal with an adventure, soon enough, can be found.