A lazy day in the shade

“The sun is hiding, behind the clouds, like a soft shroud, shading those below” Gun Roswell

Sunshine, with a few fluffy clouds passing by
Sitting under a tree, letting out a sigh
Down the valley, up the mountains
The shadows are bouncing

The guardians of the palace
Keeping an eye on the chalice
A lazy gaze cast over the passer by
Stern look warning “don’t you even try”

Time is almost standing still
Nothing to do but chill
Another lazy day soon ending
To the evening light blending

Vacation time
The best of times

Trains, Planes, Automobiles and a Bicycle, maybe Walking? Part Five 

“Sometimes there is no what kind of vehicle you will end up in, and so, make sure to dress up accordingly!” Gun Roswell

Take the time, and you will be feeling most fine
No matter the durance of the trip, going with a car, plane, train or ship
There is just something about the leaving, moving along
As not even the planning for this little time off
Could prepare the traveller of what’s lying ahead, nor the tingling sensations during take off!

Trains, Planes, Automobiles and a Bicycle, maybe Walking? Part Four

“When travelling across the blue globe they call Earth, there might be some danger, but mostly mirth, so just go with the flow, but humbly though.” Gun Roswell

Picking up some wings
Most certainly has its wins
Getting to a place fast, or then not, still does those pesky bells ring
But if you want to go all the way, with a scheduler and with some style
Sailing perhaps up the river Nile
Then choosing a boat is a must, the trip without too much fuss
Or then, just hop on a train
When there is no need to explain
Where you are headed at
As sometimes the lack of knowing can be great!

Trains, Planes, Automobiles and a Bicycle, maybe Walking? Part Three 

“Two or three wheels, will give the feel of something old, perhaps even bold, keep pedalling and far you will end up, well, perhaps or not!” Gun Roswell

On the open road
With a heavy load
A location in mind
Trying to unwind
The wind in the hair
No time for cares
Doing this all on a dare
Other wise could have just stayed
At home all alone?

Trains, Planes, Automobiles and a Bicycle, maybe Walking? Part Two

“Take a ride to the great open wide, do it with a smile, and remember, there alway might be some dire awaiting, but leave the hating and smile through it all, life, is a ball after all!” Gun Roswell

On the open road
With a heavy load
A location in mind
Trying to unwind
Travelling on wheels
Has its appeals
But getting somewhere far
In only a car
Can be a chore
Changing the score
Picking up some wings
Has its wins
But if you want some style
And sail up the Nile
A boat or a yacht
Is worth getting stuck
If you want to do it old style
And travel with a big smile
The coolest way
With the hips in sway
Doing some recycling
Then, pedal a bicycle

Trains, Planes, Automobiles and a Bicycle, maybe Walking? Part One

“The need to travel to far away places is there, just need to choose the right method to make the dream come true!” Gun Roswell

Choose a tram or a big yacht
As it’s not really worth getting stuck
In just the one place and for too long to stay
And so, one foot in front of the other lay
The travel mode within taking over
Do it with so much style or just in a backpack ride
Then simply hop on that tram or a perhaps a slow boat
And travel with a big wide smile