Staycation – Summer in Suburbia (twenty-seven)

Posted in Daily Photo/Stay-vacation

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability”
Sam Keen

Staycation – Summer in Suburbia in Daily Photo series




Soft, fluffy, made by nature
Concrete, metal, made by creatures
Coming together in an image
A compilation quite vivid









Staycation – Summer in Suburbia (twenty-six)

Posted in Daily Photo/Stay-vacation

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability”
Sam Keen

Staycation – Summer in Suburbia in Daily Photo series





Industrial and homestead construction
Some of them built for attraction
Others, mainly for protection
But all agreed to be used for consumption
Either work or living related function





Staycation – Summer in Suburbia (twenty-two)

Posted in Daily Photo/Stay-vacation

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability”
Sam Keen

Staycation – Summer in Suburbia in Daily Photo series

Green is the colour of the season
Any other coulour, could be treason
Get out there, in nature, without a specific reason
The colours will fade sooner or later
Espeacially in this, cold nordic region

Staycation – Summer in Suburbia (twenty-three)

Posted in Daily Photo/Stay-vacation

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability”
Sam Keen

Staycation – Summer in Suburbia in Daily Photo series


Come rain or shine
The Finns are just fine
When sitting in terraces and cafes
Drinking their beer and lattes
Not even cold weather will shy them away
After all this is the month of hay
If you ask them, they’ll tell you
“It’s summer, what else is there to do
In a month of few,
We’ll be sitting indoors
Closing all windows and doors,
So for now, just enjoy the outdoors
Sooner or later, all you hear
Are our snores!”


Staycation – Summer in Suburbia (twenty-four)

Posted in Daily Photo/Stay-vacation

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability”
Sam Keen

Staycation – Summer in Suburbia in Daily Photo series


The white little flower
Spread itself all over
Like the wildest of fire
Reaching ever higher
Until the season of fall
Then, it’s all gone





Staycation – Summer in Suburbia (twenty)

Posted in Daily Photo/Stay-vacation

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability”
Sam Keen

Staycation – Summer in Suburbia in Daily Photo series








Fluffy white clouds
The blue sky shrouds
Nature, none too loud











Relaxation, is allowed
After all, t’s summer time,
And I am feeling, very proud 







Staycation – Summer in Suburbia (twenty-one)

Posted in Daily Photo/Stay-vacation

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability”
Sam Keen

Staycation – Summer in Suburbia in Daily Photo series

Could you ever imagine
Yourself, in a tiny, hidden cabin
Living, in the deepest of woods
Where no one ever should

Built out of driftwood
It’s the best one, in the hood
You got there, as fast as you should
Because no one, thought you would