Thoughts on the Day of Birth

“Even the Eternal Entity needs a day of… rest?“ Gun Roswell

Thoughts on the Day of Birth

Eternal or not

Cartoony or Spock

Sometimes life is a lot

Alas, happier thoughts

Despite the weight

Of one more year of age

Be it on the waist

Or somewhere else 

The eyes still see

The heart still feels

The brain… 

…well, that is a whole other can of worms

Literally, don’t even try to check it out

Alas, I digress!

Happy something something day

To the one who wrote this poem to celebrate!



Yes please! 

And keep it pouring at least

Until the clock chimes twelve

On the twenty-seventh 

(The day of hell???)

Young, old, eternal, in prime?

We all need our day to shine!

This, is who I am

“I am a simple writer, making my way through the mass of talent of this world” Gun Roswell

This, is who I am

I am an extroverted introvert

With the mind of a child locked inside of an ancient body without time

I am the ever and eternal optimistic pessimist

Always looking for the worst, while expecting the best

Searching for some kind of a truth, which I never really hope to find

I am alive and well, well? But also, only living inside my own head

I am a mass of a mess, but with an outlook good no less

The eternal dreamer with a head of a cloud

Surrounded inside of it by a protective shroud

Never wanting to leave that very special place

Even whenever venturing where others may stay

But, I am okay, just the same

Being this odd one out always and everywhere

Unboxed, untethered, but wearing a pretty bow 

Just because, I like to put on a show

And so, coming to the matter of fact (or fiction)

Even if no one can that fact even begin to understand

This, is who I am

Another year, another birthday, I guess

“Well, it’s another year and another birthday, but is still feel like the shabby nineteen year old person I once was“ Gun Roswell

Another year, another birthday, I guess

The writer of this ditty, found a photo of herself when she was an itty-bitty kiddy. Just a toddler seated in her moms lap, a proud parent I guess at that back then in the something somethings when life was so much simpler, at least if the smiles on the faces are any kind of inkling. So guess back then, I really had the world on a string. And adding to that the eagerness to dance and sing or at least perform in some fashion, from a few years on, all that looking back, seemed like a good deal to be inside of and some of the memories are just great, while others, well, those one can always fake, right!?

So, a few decades has now passed, since that selfie of sorts from the past and like the image it self, can last for a long, long time, despite being old and wrinkled, but not I! And yeah, guess I have to admit, that taking to account everything and all I am feeling fine, despite whatever thoughts of darkness might land on my own mind every now and again but hey, that is just time spent too much with myself. And certainly nothing to do with age as that is a simple number on the cake. But yeah, as sometimes in my slumber, bad thoughts occur, but hey, that is fine, as I am fine and most of those surround me are just fine so, putting on a smile for today at least and then a little later on, I will most certainly off of my b-day cake feast.

So whatever ranting this little ditty might be, I will keep on having my birthdays for, well, hopefully eternity. The next goal is set as a hundred and fifty. Yeah I know that sounds so, well science fiction-y. But as I have always planned on living forever, guess that is not such a impossible goal now or even ever.

Happy Birthday to Dame Judi Dench

“Dame Judi Dench, Dame Judi Dench, Dame Judi Dench, Dame Judi Dench,,, “

Happy Birthday to Dame Judi Dench

I’m not getting old, I am getting better

I am becoming a classic

Like the fine wine
For a special occasion to dine
Like the little red Corvette
You always wanted as a pet

I am
much better
more wiser
and even smarter
Than ever

Extraordinary woman
Exemplary human
Remarkable personality
Striking beauty

If you challenge me
I will compete with thee
Reach the finish line
Before you have the time
To Say
Wait for me!

Many things I have accomplished
Some of them without compliments
Many more still to come
Before I am done

What’s up next
You ask
Without being hexed
I would like the task
Ruler of the World naturally to follow
But not today,
Maybe tomorrow

Legendary, Happy Birthday Kate Mulgrew!

I think people think I’m accessible. I’m never treated as a star, either by fans or other actors, and I like it like that. I don’t get the star treatment. I think that means I’m a good actor. They acknowledge me as a human being, and to me, that’s invaluable.”
— Kate Mulgrew


 A true legend
One could say iconic
Certainly much loved
Absolutely ageless

Puts the extra into ordinary
Special in so many ways
Remarkably skillful
Fantastic and most fabulous

Captivating every audience
Enchanting at the best of times
Fascinating by nature
Unforgettable, definitely that and so much more

 Happy birthday, Kate Mulgrew!

Happy Birthday to Mary McDonnell

“It’s really important for actors to feel that they’re more than something for hire” Mary McDonnell

Wuff wuff!

Extremely enjoyable
Highly magnificent
Superior and fashionable
Pragmatic, visionary
Sexy, yet elegant
Perfect with lingo
Captivating in every environment
Absolute favourite
Quite the wuff
For any species of a dog
To bark at

Happy Birthday, Dame Angela!

Posted in Fandom 

“Providing I can put one foot in front of the other, I will continue to act.”
Dame Angela Lansbury


Happy Birthday, Dame Angela!

Our Same of Dames
Surely, even the name explains
Angel, Angela
Dame Angela

You may be siting algebra
Or even the Magna Carta
Your voice a lullaby
Your presence divine

Live Long and Prosper
Dame Angela!

Happy 73rd Birthday to Dame Helen Mirren

Posted in Celebration/Fandom

“I was never that kind of star. I was never cast because I was gorgeous” Helen Mirren


Dame Helen Mirren

The star of everything that matters
Stating this not just for the sake of flatters
The Queen, the Chief Inspector, a tart
Playing them all with very much smart

She is definitely not a prude
When prancing in the nude
Not afraid to speak her mind
Even if it meant to be a little unkind

A naughty word here and there
To make her point, if you weren’t clear
Pure perfection of talent and beauty
Always with the sense of duty

A rose by any other name
Let’s all hail to our Dame:
Happy 73rd birthday!

Happy 92nd Birthday, Queen Elizabeth II

Posted in Fandom

Photo credits Google/Getty Images

“Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom” Queen Elizabeth II

qe 8

Happy Birthday, Queen Elizabeth II

Who would have thought
Of being in the same job
For some sixty three years
– Surely worth some cheers

You’re part of the folk
Even cracked a few jokes
You got street smarts
And certainly won our hearts

Pink, purple or blue
To name but a few
The colours like your spirit
Would inspire many lyrics

Wishes for
Many more
Years of reign
Hear our hail:

Long Live the Queen,
And surely and sincerely
A very happy 92nd birthday!

Happy Birthday, Nichelle Nichols!

Posted in Fandom

“All the people in Star Trek will always be known as those characters. And what characters to have attached to your name in life! The show is such a phenomenon all over the world” NICHELLE NICHOLS


To Nichelle Nichols

From science fiction
To science fact
From Lady Actress
To Lady Astronaut

A many of myths
You have broken
A multitude of gifts
And truly outspoken

An eternal beauty
With a sense of duty
A voice like an angel
With an attitude of the devil 😉

Uhura, Nichelle
We’re so very glad
Onto our screens you fell
Without you we’d be sad

This might sound a cliche
Live Long and Prosper!