Trains, Planes, Automobiles and a Bicycle, maybe Walking? Part Two

“Take a ride to the great open wide, do it with a smile, and remember, there alway might be some dire awaiting, but leave the hating and smile through it all, life, is a ball after all!” Gun Roswell

On the open road
With a heavy load
A location in mind
Trying to unwind
Travelling on wheels
Has its appeals
But getting somewhere far
In only a car
Can be a chore
Changing the score
Picking up some wings
Has its wins
But if you want some style
And sail up the Nile
A boat or a yacht
Is worth getting stuck
If you want to do it old style
And travel with a big smile
The coolest way
With the hips in sway
Doing some recycling
Then, pedal a bicycle

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