Three times finding the perfect seat 

The summer holidays, had finally arrived
Shouted out, was a big hoot with some jives
Packing up, all the needed trash
For this, unplanned, quick getaway, in a flash

So now, headed for what ever kind of port
Was ready to accept us, to start this trip of a notice short
Because this thing was certainly going to happen
With or without all that likely crappin’

OK, so after all kinds of back and forth ‘splaining 
The road trip was finally on the part of landing
The island of ones dreams dead ahead in perfect still
Well, as much seen from a small cockpit window sill

Off and out and into the taxi cab with a shout
Soon enough the accommodation in sight with sign shouting loud
“B and B” for all sizes and kinds
Just come on inside and your place find”

After the slightly drama, when doing all of the unpack
It was finally time, to get up and go out and yes, slack
After all, this was supposed to be. a holiday to the letter so strong
With rest, relaxation, something something and all that jazz all day long

When getting outside, the warm wall hits you in the face
It feels so good, after so many months of living inside the icescapades
In the land way, way up north, where the only transport is a sleigh
Wanting nothing more than to get out of that place

But, the reality soon hit, right smack in that pale face
And the sweat pouring, nay, soaring out each and every pour started
After some moments, when soaked through each and every garment
It was time to get the hell out of the sun and find some shade

Glancing, glaring, staring, all around the heads spinning
Trying to find that one perfect spot, where to sit down on the dot
It was already starting to get really frustrating
The face, neck and body, covered with sweating 

But then, in the corner fo the very eye, which had so much spied
Behind the vail of frustration, even if this was supposed to be the best vacation
A spot in a small cafe, there, in the shades, hidden from the sun
All that remained to do, was to gather some courage and toward it to run

The setup like from a picture perfect 
A table with two seats and a large bench set
Just for us weary touristy types way over their heads
Boy, am I glad this day us here finally had lead!

Seated happily for the rest of the day
Deciding to spend it in this very same place
Ordering food and drinks was so easy as cake
Why the hell would anyone do anything else 

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