Trust a smiling cat?

“The cat, a superior being in everyday, trustful, loyal and always polite… wait a minute! That is the description, mostly, of a dog! Oh well, a few white lies never hurt anyone!“ Gun Roswell

The cat who on the street corner sat in a cool looking hat, and with an attitude that of a worldly guide then promised to take the traveller from a far away country, on a tour around the city, as walking around in a new town, could make one totally giddy.

So, hopping on the tiny moped with a cure two seater side car, as it was not supposed to be too fast, because a lot of great things that way could be passed while riding around too wildly, but not today as the cat had promised smiling, to have an easy peasy slow ride and that way, getting to know all those important sights.

But, soon enough, the tourists from a far, noticed the route, had taken a strange sideline and the cat, while in charge of showing its home town to the strangers from beyond, was now actually taking them to an alleyway, where the noises were growing ever more strong.

As the shocked travellers found out where they had landed, on remote alley filled with meowing cats and kittens as there can be. The cat with the hat, the supposed tour guide then once again smiled, this time, wickedly, and simply stated. “We will take you back, but first, there is an extra charge for that to happen. You see, we need our daily fishies and as we are many, and for that, a lot more money is needed as a matter of fact.”

The tourists then glanced around, feeling sorry for the starving crowd. So, without hesitation, they gave all the money they had and with a thanks, the tour then proceeded as promised from then on without worries as the cat with a wide wicked smile, had earned its daily grind fee, feeding all the family, which was never easy. And the earnings from the weary travellers, usually came pretty easily, supporting the cats cause with a gentle feeling.

Well, that was the tale of odd today, the lesson, not very strong, guess if any, then the one of never trusting a smiling cat, unless you are generous enough to feed the whole litter of them.

The cat and his spot

“The cats always choose their places in those spaces given to them, and then it will be their spot and no one else’s” Gun Roswell

The cat and his spot

The cat in a chair sat, just because it was apt to do so

For hours on end, would they time on the chair spend

Watching and observing all those passing by, like a spy

Perhaps true, and maybe even part of some conspiracy

A plot device sent out here to destroy the human kind?

Well, what ever the cat’s purpose might just be

It was not clear to those passing as usually 

A loud purr could be heard from the very source

As those who dared to pet the sitting cat on the spot

Were soon rewarded with an affectionate nod

So, whatever you might think of this very cat

Choosing their very own place in this space we share

The street, the neighbourhood, the planet fair

Perhaps even an alien invader but, then again

Who could easily resist a soft purr and a fluffy figure?

So, next time, when getting all around in the hood

Keep an eye open for that one cat you should

As befriending them might just be the best thing

Even if it was just an ordinary common place being

Never – trust a smiling cat

“The cat, a superior being in everyday, trustful, loyal and always polite… wait a minute! That is the description, mostly, of a dog! Oh well, a few white lies never hurt anyone!“ Gun Roswell

Never – trust a smiling cat

The cat who on the street corner sat in a cool looking hat, and with an attitude that of a worldly guide then promised to take the traveller from a far away country, on a tour around the city, as walking around in a new town, could make one totally giddy.

So, hopping on the tiny moped with a cure two seater side car, as it was not supposed to be too fast, because a lot of great things that way could be passed while riding around too wildly, but not today as the cat had promised smiling, to have an easy peasy slow ride and that way, getting to know all those important sights.

But, soon enough, the tourists from a far, noticed the route, had taken a strange sideline and the cat, while in charge of showing its home town to the strangers from beyond, was now actually taking them to an alleyway, where the noises were growing ever more strong.

As the shocked travellers found out where they had landed, on remote alley filled with meowing cats and kittens as there can be. The cat with the hat, the supposed tour guide then once again smiled, this time, wickedly, and simply stated. “We will take you back, but first, there is an extra charge for that to happen. You see, we need our daily fishies and as we are many, and for that, a lot more money is needed as a matter of fact.”

The tourists then glanced around, feeling sorry for the starving crowd. So, without hesitation, they gave all the money they had and with a thanks, the tour then proceeded as promised from then on without worries as the cat with a wide wicked smile, had earned its daily grind fee, feeding all the family, which was never easy. And the earnings from the weary travellers, usually came pretty easily, supporting the cats cause with a gentle feeling.

Well, that was the tale of odd today, the lesson, not very strong, guess if any, then the one of never trusting a smiling cat, unless you are generous enough to feed the whole litter of them.

Black as in a Cat

“The colour of black looks really great on a mysterious cat” Gun Roswell

Black as in a Cat

In need of something so cool, something quite sleek, something or someone, so totally deep.

Well, look no longer, as there she is, standing right there, in the middle of the busy street!

It is the black cat, of course, smart as that, all dressed in the latest fashion, well, yes, black!

And despite her being, well, a cat, she is well aware of looking good but, still, feeling laid back.

She is the model, pun intended, for each and every street dweller, her looks turning heads.

Human and animal alike, this black dressed feline will elicit smiles, as she all of them passes by.

Strutting in her slender paws, no one who has seen her can’t but stand it utter awe.

As this fashion forward cat of the streets, keeps on going with her head held high and eyes in a wink.

Cat with an attitude 

“Cats with attitudes, well that certainly is special!!!” Gun Roswell (very sarcastically)

Cat with an attitude 

The cat in front of me did strut 

As if waiting for sim kind of  major debut

Staring, glaring, daring, her eyes totally flaring 

As if, she for what ever reason had completely had enough 

“Wassa matta?” 

I simply asked, not sure what this incident had now tasked 

Because I knew for certain that the fact 

Of food and water in the bowls were still intact 

But she kept on staring at me

As if hypnotising was the on remaining to be

For everything else she had already gotten 

My house, my bed, my servitude for only her spoken

“What more do you need?” 

I know I sounded desperate not smart 

The staring contest clearly lost on my part

She kept on going for a moment longer

Then, without further ado she parted, knowing well she was the stronger

And a cat with a attitude at that

The owner of the establishment on a break (for Caturday)

“There is nothing more proud a creature, than that of a cat, especially since they think they own, everything” Gun Roswell

The owner of the establishment on a break (for Caturday)

The cat at the end of the stairs sat

After all, this was his place of business and nobody else’s to claim

And so, therefore, the whatever else kind of aim

Anyone passing by would like to state

The cat would simply ignore them

Because why not, it wasn’t even a chore

As clearly, the cat was the owner

No matter what any Hooman would like to tell

It would never be an easy sell

Not to the cat and certainly not to the person

Because once a feline had made it clear

The territory marked and without fear

Protecting each nook and cranny of the whole

Come hell or high water or some Hooman doll

The cat would never shy away from its stay

Not when there was the whole house at stake

Stripes and the Cat

“The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat, but not for long, not when you turn your back!” Gun Roswell

Stripes and the Cat

I am a tiger cat
Hear me roar!

My furry stripes
I am wearing proud
Sometimes picking a fight
‘Cause I like being loud

But when groomed and fed
And safely resting in bed
I am a cute little kitty
Without any hissy fitty

I am a soft kitty
Hear me purr

The cat in their spot

“The cats always choose their places in those spaces given to them, and then it will be their spot and no one else’s” Gun Roswell

The cat in their spot

The cat in a chair sat, just because it was apt to do so

For hours on end, would they time on the chair spend

Watching and observing all those passing by, like a spy

Perhaps true, and maybe even part of some conspiracy

A plot device sent out here to destroy the human kind?

Well, what ever the cat’s purpose might just be

It was not clear to those passing as usually 

A loud purr could be heard from the very source

As those who dared to pet the sitting cat on the spot

Were soon rewarded with an affectionate nod

So, whatever you might think of this very cat

Choosing their very own place in this space we share

The street, the neighbourhood, the planet fair

Perhaps even an alien invader but, then again

Who could easily resist a soft purr and a fluffy figure?

Next time, when getting all around in the hood
Keep an eye open for that one cat you should

As befriending them might just be the best thing

Even if it was just an ordinary common place being

Cat a contemplating on life

The cat sitting in the middle of the street? Well? It can mean several things really – waiting, wasting time, contemplating life, or just sitting, just because they can” Gun Roswell

Cat a contemplating on life

The cat who sat, in the middle of the street, someone even pleading, for them to move away, as traffic would most likely cause some dismay, alas, the cat who there calmly sat, could not have cared any less, because they had a bigger plan, the bigger picture to see, because this was no ordinary cat, whom simply on the streets sat, rather someone with many philosophical thoughts, their mind in a constant swirl of all the things in there hurled, thinking about life, the passersby, even the faint smiles given to them on a few occasion, and so, without moving much, the cat who on the street sat, kept on plotting and planning, the life as we know it scanning, taking serious notes, and then posting those, in the galactic wide board, for the rest of the life forms, to make a note of, a warning of sorts, of what the Hoomans of the blue globe, were doing, without any kind of good form.