Beach side under the parasol do I smile

“The sunny days long and endless, but on this beach, laying like a beached whale, I could care less about leaving this place” Gun Roswell

Beach side under the parasol do I smile

The sandy shores, might give someone else a bore, but for me, on this day of sunshine and blue skies, my only chore, is to simply stay put, lay on my back and enjoy the laid back atmosphere, unafraid of being judged of being too lazy or square, simply because I want nothing else to do on my day off, than just be, without any kind of huff or scoff. 

There are no agendas, no to-do lists, not one other thing exists, here on this beach, under the parasol under the mighty sol, where I rest my weary head, just because of instead being the one running amok back home, trying to get the seasonal festival up and running, something which seems now totally funny, as to the effort put for only a three day puff.

But not this time around, as I have found my peace finally here, on this sandy and calm beach, where I intend to rest my lazy body and head, for the foreseeable few days of time off, and not have a care in the world.

My achy breaky tooth

“There is just something about a tooth ache, and being in that tight situation, in which is hardly a funny place to be!“ Gun Roswell

My achy breaky tooth

Sick and tired of aching, there is really no explaining, as to the why oh whys’ and the goings on

So why not simply take me to the dentist, as perhaps inside there something otherworldly exist

Right there, right inside of my poor, poor broken ol’ tooth and maybe I won’t even need that already hired and totally expensive sleuth 

As the mystery is beginning to unravel, bit by bit, broken off piece by piece, something which even my niece, would have a good laugh off

But, as the ache continued to run its cause, the source still unknown, not sure whether a small alien had made its nest there or was it just because

The only option was to try, some heavy duty drugs to push the ever constant hammering away

Then, someone suggested, that maybe, take a trip to the nearest dentist, something which in own foggy mind had not been a thought

So, reserving an appointment right there on the spot, and then running or rather walking to the doctor’s dreary looking shop

The whistles and whining sounds, not a pleasant greeting at the door

Still, I could not be that one person bore, who was afraid of a doctor, when the tooth was sore

Did not even manage to sit down, when a nurse called my name just on the sound of the bell and hell, I was so ready to subside that pain for good 

And what do you know, as it did not take a moment longer, counting from three to nought and then, waking up, not really sore, but with a bloated face

Than again, the pain had finally been taken away, so that was that then I guess

Let it snow!

“It might be snowing or then it rains, as nobody can really the winter weather explain“ Gun Roswell

Let it snow!

The weather outside might be quite the frightful, but hey as the song says, just keep up an open mind, then that forgotten smile you just might find, especially during the wintery season, as loving it over the summer is certainly no treason, and once the bad weather and darkness subsides, and the snow starts to gently onto the ground fall, it is almost a moment of time having stalled, as the world turns to a crispy clean surface and getting out there to play is most certainly not a burden.

So, let it snow by all means, even if it sometimes means, that you have the streets to keep clean, from the excess of the powdery stuff there piling up, but it’s all worth the hard work, as after the pavement is plowed, you can once again the others join, and recreate that fun you once found as a child all those years ago, while frolicking in the slippery and cold snow, but never mind, just dress up really warm and you are prepared to even take on the storm, so just let it snow, like it does in the old snow globe.

Winter’s window view

“The views from the windows in winter time are simply breathtaking, then again, if you venture to the cold weather outside, then your breath will most certainly be taken!” Gun Roswell

Winter’s window view

The views of the early morning or even mid afternoon, before the darkness arrives in the later time of the day, the sun shining, brightly, for once at least in the middle of this season, the blue skies and fluffy whites up there and the crispness of the cool and cold winter’s air, all those combined, sure do make a wonderful find, when every once in a while, you will remember to look outside the window, the views magnificently monochromic, compared to anything from the summer, but in contrast, these are the times, you don’t mind going back to, in the very heat of the warm season for sure. So, take a good long look, even if it is just the street and the neighbours nook, all covered with the snowy feature, a very cold but still somehow warm blanket of the season, reminding us all, it is time to take it slow and energise ourselves, before the other seasons with warmer weather will soon follow.

A day at the Beach

“Nothing better, like a day at the beach, laying lazily, on a padded seat“ Gun Roswell

A day at the Beach

Sunny days, really are the best days, forget all them days rest
As this is the one day, you can do what ever you may
Without too much of a thought, when acting like a sloth
Trying not too much to worry, about the next day, being sorry
That during, nothing got done and only having some needed fun
But hey, do not worry, as what is, but one single day off
And then, letting your hair hang loose, and not needing to choose
Whether a loose pair of the flip flops, are ´totally a proper pair
Of some kind of everywhere kind of accepted footwear
So, be, that one and total fool, and go and play it really cool
And head out to the that one special place, where there is no doubt
You can just be, the one being, without actually been seen
As a total jackass, for not always, working off their own ass
Relax, enjoy, your worries off deploy and take a load off
For today is that one day of a sunny day, and don’t need to show off

A Christmas Tale of sorts or as it goes: Can I have some Figgy Puddin’, please?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” Charles Dickens

A Christmas Tale of sorts or as it goes: Can I have some Figgy Puddin’, please?

The year was 1845. I was about ten years of age and working as a stable girl. Our family lived and worked in Lord Hamilton’s manor house. It was Christmas time and as a gift for the servants, the Lord arranged a feast for the staff and their families.

Mommy had the children dressed in their Sunday best. My two brothers were complaining about the stiffness of the shirts. Starch was itchy and could cause rash, especially if one scratched the itch.
I had my favourite dress on and my younger sister was a bit jealous of the red and green colouring. She was wearing a plain blue coloured hand me down.

After all the fuzz and hassle with the wardrobe, the whole family was finally set to go to the main house and start with the Christmas dinner. Us servants would be dining in the large kitchen. Several long tables were brought in with extra seats as well. This wasn’t a large household. With around fifteen servants and their families, well not all had children and spouses, all in all around sixty people in total crammed around the tables. The two cooks had had their hands full with the preparations and naturally every one that could had chipped in.

But now it was time for celebration. Everyone was finally sitting down and getting quiet. After grace the noise level rose again. Food containers were passed around and everyone was filling their respective plates. After all, it wasn’t often we got to eat in this manner and variety.

After a while, everyone had cleared their plates and it was time for dessert. My favourite was the Figgy Pudding. If possible I opted for seconds. As I got my plate of the delicious substance before me, I licked my lips and dug into it with gusto. It did not take too long for the food to disappear from my plate.

My mom looked at me with a smirk. I looked back at her and passing my bowl I asked: “Is there any Figgy Puddin’ left?”

I was smiling widely, feeling exhilarated, when the bowl was passed back to me with an other helping.

When the final bits were eaten, it was time for the traditional sing along. The farmhand brought out his accordion and after the first few tunes, we all joined in. The evening was spent singing, chatting and finally picking up the tables. We all went back to our dwellings, thanking the Lord for the special meal.

Merry Pudding and God bless us everyone!

Just call me, Mrs Claus

“Santa has it great. I buy all the toys. He gets all the credit.” Mrs Claus

Just call me, Mrs Claus

You may call me, Mrs Claus
Without applause
Doing my bid
Without one single payment of a quid
Without this, proud bride
Of Santa Claus
Would be, just empty banter
No kind of jolly
Or celebration folly
Neither for me
Or even, for you

A Visit, up there, to the famous North Pole

O, how glorious would it be to set my heel upon the Pole and turn myself 360 degrees in a second!” Joseph Banks

A Visit, up there, to the famous North Pole

A quick trip
To the North Pole
A little hop and skip
To the beat of the drum roll

The elves busy at work
Their faces in a permanent smirk
No time for breaks or coffee
Not even a little toffee

The holiday season is upon us
Which has caused all the fuss
Be careful where you step though
You may end up in a pile of snow

Santa’s sleigh
Without delay
Flying over the river
Presents to deliver

Hitch a ride
In a blink of an eye
You’ll be landing
At the front door standing

Was it a dream
So it would seem
But then again
Life is but a dream

The tall shadows of winter

“The tall shadows of a low hanging sun in the winter time look gorgeous, but scary too”
Gun Roswell 

The tall shadows of winter

First snow fell, heavily onto big piles, all over, the grey ground
Not one single spot of dirt, or other matter, was there, to be found
And as the sun started shining, on one slow afternoon leaving
Tall shadows across the snow in its wake, making shiny sparkles
Like tiny little diamonds, so gorgeous, that all those of us looking
At them, could for a fading moment enjoy the captivating spell
Of this one and bright winters day, after the long and cruel darkness
Broken if only for a tiny fraction of time, and then feeling fine
Almost divine, until it was once again, completely, and totally dark
But even after the bright sun was gone, remaining only, was
That one and hopeful spark, that one day soon, after the moon
Had gone to sleep, the sun would come back, and then maybe, stay
Forever, and then all of us dwellers could spend all of their days
Counting the newly formed, and various kind of shapely shadows
Sometimes tall, more often times short, but the hope of the light
No matter if it was shining bright, was in their own hearts, forever