The cat and his spot

“The cats always choose their places in those spaces given to them, and then it will be their spot and no one else’s” Gun Roswell

The cat and his spot

The cat in a chair sat, just because it was apt to do so

For hours on end, would they time on the chair spend

Watching and observing all those passing by, like a spy

Perhaps true, and maybe even part of some conspiracy

A plot device sent out here to destroy the human kind?

Well, what ever the cat’s purpose might just be

It was not clear to those passing as usually 

A loud purr could be heard from the very source

As those who dared to pet the sitting cat on the spot

Were soon rewarded with an affectionate nod

So, whatever you might think of this very cat

Choosing their very own place in this space we share

The street, the neighbourhood, the planet fair

Perhaps even an alien invader but, then again

Who could easily resist a soft purr and a fluffy figure?

So, next time, when getting all around in the hood

Keep an eye open for that one cat you should

As befriending them might just be the best thing

Even if it was just an ordinary common place being

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