A day in May in Suburbia

“When the sun is shining, the weather warm, there is no use in delaying, the spring cleaning chores!” Gun Roswell

Something about the sun shining through the dirty glass left behind the winter’s snowy mass
Which beckons the house holder to pick up a bucket of water and a hopefully clean rag
The cleaning of the home, certainly a time honoured tradition

Alas sometimes, all of us, could do with a little less fuss rather than working oneself to exhaustion
With all them chores the spring brings with it 
To set the house up ready and waiting for the visit
Of the shiniest of sunny rays, which keep on bouncing on each and every surface

Then there is the yard or balcony or if you are unlucky, both
The cleaning, the organising, the fertilising, the sowing of seeds
Hoping at least a few flowery things to be appearing before the end of summer
But if they won’t well, there is always the weed kinds with pretty colours
So don’t be too harsh and go and rip of that yellow and purple looking grass
At least something is growing on that neglected and badly kept yard!

And so there is the next topic, the one with the complete overhaul of the garden
The dirt, the rocks, the whatever else is needed to get the work moving
All kinds of curious tools, shovels and forks and such simply to get stuff growing?
Well, do it once and then it’s all done right?
Wrong! It’s a never ending cycle!

So do be, forewarned! 
It’s a trap, a total scam!
For all those would be gardeners: 
Leave well enough alone, nature, will take it’s own course after all!

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